2/25/2023 3:24:28 PM Section 230 Narrowing in the Future? By Chris Cole This past week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google. The petitioners are a family that unsuccessfully sued...
2/23/2023 8:50:36 PM Ever-Expanding BIPA Damages: Illinois Supreme Court Holds Each Collection or Dissemination of Biometric Data Constitutes a Separate Violation of BIPA By Janet Widmaier Charles DeVore In an eagerly-awaited decision in Cothron v. White Castle System, Inc, the Illinois Supreme Court recently held, by a 4-3 margin, that a...
2/22/2023 12:13:40 AM SEC Shortens Settlement Cycle By James Brady On February 15, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted rule changes to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most...
2/16/2023 11:59:18 PM Reading the Tea Leaves: Illinois’ Highest Court is Poised to Make Impactful BIPA Claim Accrual Determination By Charles DeVore In early February, the Illinois Supreme Court made the first of two crucial rulings defining the scope of Illinois’ Biometric Information...
2/16/2023 10:25:30 PM SEC Proposes Amendments to the Custody Rule By Adam Bolter Alex Kim On February 15, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 4-1 to propose amendments to the Custody Rule under the Advisers Act...
2/14/2023 3:23:59 PM California Regulator Approves the Proposed CPRA Regulations and Targets April Effective Date By Trisha Sircar The California Privacy Protection Agency ("CPPA") Board unanimously voted 4-0 to finalize the proposed final California Privacy Rights...
2/14/2023 3:00:00 PM The European Union and Singapore Launch Digital Partnership By Trisha Sircar In a statement released on February 1, 2023, the European Union ("EU") and Singapore strengthened their cooperation as strategic...
2/13/2023 9:51:48 PM What happens if companies miss carbon targets? By Chris Cole The Wall Street Journal published an excellent article today regarding corporate net zero pledges, referring as well to data published in...
2/13/2023 9:14:53 PM President Biden Urges Congress to Prioritize Children's Online Privacy and Focuses on Transparency By Trisha Sircar At the State of the Union on February 7, President Biden reiterated the need to protect children online and address social media's mental...
2/10/2023 9:59:49 PM SEC’s ESG Task Force Strikes Again By Johnjerica Hodge Ryan Meyer India Williams Activision Blizzard Workplace Misconduct Allegations Transformed into Securities Violations In another victory for the Securities and...
2/9/2023 8:53:49 PM But Is It Art? New York Jury Says No - It's Trademark Infringement in the Metaverse By Karen Artz Ash To quote a headline from French daily Libération, “Hermès 1, NFT 0.” On February 8, a federal jury in New York sided with France’s...
2/9/2023 8:37:53 PM Delaware Court of Chancery Ruling Imposes a Fiduciary Duty of Oversight on Corporate Officers By Sarah Eichenberger Jonathan Rotenberg On January 26, 2023, the Delaware Court of Chancery resolved a long-standing ambiguity in Delaware law, clarifying, for the first time,...
2/8/2023 2:25:02 PM Broker-dealer/FCMs! You need to have a talk with your clients about AEX Index Futures By Stephen Morris Last month, Euronext published a notice to clients that will be of interest to US broker-dealers and FCMs who facilitate client execution...
2/7/2023 8:49:08 PM The FTC and Protection of Health Care Data By Lisa Prather Most people, and especially health care providers, are familiar with HIPAA and its relation to protecting the privacy and security of a...
2/6/2023 10:51:28 PM The Unprecedented Events of March: The Oliver Wyman Report By Stephen Morris Jacob Setton Thankfully, futures clearinghouses do not fail often; it’s happened three times in history, most recently in 1987. But last year, in the...
2/6/2023 8:14:30 PM Half of all States Sue DOL over ESG Rule, Foreshadowing Challenges to the SEC’s ESG Agenda By Johnjerica Hodge On January 26, 2023, twenty-five states, plus a publicly traded energy company with a subsidiary that is a fiduciary and trustee under...