9/28/2022 2:26:10 PM ICE Clear EU To Accept EUAs as Collateral (but only from non-FCM clearing members) By Stephen Morris Citing “current liquidity pressures” in EU energy markets and the need to provide market participants with “more options regarding the...
9/23/2022 12:28:04 PM CFTC Warns DeFi Traders: Exercise of Governance Tokens Could Result in Personal Liability for Illegal Activities of DeFi Protocol By Dan Davis Two natural persons who voted governance tokens issued by a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol were charged with being “personally...
9/16/2022 9:26:49 PM The Long and Winding Road of JAC Regulatory Alert 14-03 By Stephen Morris Once, many years ago, the Joint Audit Committee released a Regulatory Alert (RA 14-03) addressed to futures commission merchants that are...