2/21/2025 6:23:59 PM FTC Deadlock May End Next Week By Jessica Kraver On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will hold a hearing to confirm the nomination...
7/15/2024 5:14:07 PM FTC Warning Letters on Right to Repair Suggest Future Enforcement By Chris Cole The FTC has issued warning letters to eight companies, accusing them of possibly imposing restrictions on third-party servicing of...
10/11/2023 3:11:17 PM FTC Proposes Rule to Ban 'Junk Fees' By Chris Cole The FTC has proposed a rule to ban so-called “Junk Fees,” which, if enacted as proposed, would affect numerous industries, ranging from...
3/3/2023 6:18:10 PM Corporate Bond ETFs May Come Under The Regulatory Microscope By Peter Wilson Judging from this framing by the Financial Times, an obscure debate over bond liquidity may prompt regulatory scrutiny. Corporate bond...
2/25/2023 3:24:28 PM Section 230 Narrowing in the Future? By Chris Cole This past week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google. The petitioners are a family that unsuccessfully sued...