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| 1 minute read

Will Texas Become the First State To Enact a “Mini-CFIUS” Review Process?

On March 13, 2025, the Texas Legislature introduced HB 5007, which, if enacted, could establish the first US state regime tasked with screening foreign investments on national security grounds.[1] 

To be sure, this is not the first attempt by Texas to regulate acquisitions by foreign buyers within the state. The Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act[2] (LIPA), which took effect in June 2021, prohibits Texas businesses from contracting with entities owned or controlled by individuals from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran if the contracting relates to critical infrastructure.[3] In addition, many other states have passed legislation limiting certain foreign investments into agricultural land within their borders.[4]  Others are debating similar legislation.

HB 5007 is wholly different. It calls for the formation of a Texas Committee on Foreign Investment (TCFI). Modeled on the federal government’s interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States or CFIUS, TCFI would be comprised of representatives from various Texas state agencies and charged with overseeing the pre-closing review and regulation of foreign acquisitions effecting “critical infrastructure” in Texas, agricultural land in Texas, or the sensitive personal data of Texas residents.[5]  Subject to a monetary threshold to be determined by the governor, such transactions would require notification to the Texas Attorney General at least 90 days before closing, with penalties for non-compliance of up to $50,000 per violation.

While there is still uncertainty on whether and when Texas may implement the TCFI, companies considering transactions not only in Texas, but in other states rapidly enacting similar laws, should make sure to perform the necessary due diligence to identify and comply with these regulations, and also build in adequate time for closing delays based on mandatory notification periods that may vary by state. 


[1] TX HB5007, accessible at:

[2] Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 2116 (codified as Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 113.001, et seq.)

[3] LIPA defines critical infrastructure as: 1) communication infrastructure systems; 2) cybersecurity system; 3) electric grid; 4) hazardous waste treatment systems; and 5) water treatment facilities.


[5] “Critical infrastructure” is defined more broadly under HB 5007 than LIPA and includes, among other categories: critical manufacturing, dams, defense industrial bases, emergency services, communications facilities, energy, health care, food, financial services, information technology, transportation systems, nuclear materials, water systems, and government facilities.

