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EDPB Adopts Statement on Age Assurance and Creates a Task Force on AI Enforcement

On February 12, 2025, during its February 2025 plenary meeting, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted a statement on assurance, which outlines ten principles concerning the processing of personal data when determining an individual's age or age range. The EDPB is also cooperating with the European Commission on age verification in the context of the Digital Services Act (DSA) working group.

In addition, the EDPB extended the scope of the ChatGPT task force to artificial intelligence (AI) enforcement. The EDPB members underlined the need to coordinate the actions of the Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) regarding urgent sensitive matters and will set up a quick response team for that purpose.

In the statement, the EDPB outlines ten key principles to follow to implement a governance framework that complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect children and how their personal data is processed. The EDPB Chair, Anu Talus, stressed the importance of balancing the responsible use of AI within the GDPR framework. Businesses should ensure compliance with these evolving data protection standards, and our team is available to provide guidance on navigating the GDPR requirements and implementing effective compliance strategies.

"The GDPR is a legal framework that promotes responsible innovation. The GDPR has been designed to maintain high data protection standards while fully leveraging the potential of innovation, such as AI, to benefit our economy. The EDPB’s task force on AI enforcement and the future quick response team will play a crucial role in ensuring this balance, coordinating the DPAs' actions and supporting them in navigating the complexities of AI while upholding strong data protection principles.” - EDPB Chair Anu Talus


intellectual property, privacy data and cybersecurity