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Top 3 Application Tips: 2023 Vacation Scheme - 2 Weeks to Deadline

Applications for Katten UK's 2023 Summer Vacation Scheme close on Saturday, 31 December 2022. So, we thought we'd share our 3 Top Tips on writing your cover letters as well as some feedback from this year's scheme.

Like many firms, our future Trainee Solicitors come from our Summer Vacation Scheme, so it's important to put your best foot forward right from the start beginning with your initial application.

Our 3 Top Tips When Writing your Application

  1.  Show us why you stand out

We want to know about you: why you want to be a lawyer, what attracts you to Katten, and the skills you have that will make us a great match. Tell us about your experiences (legal and non-legal!) and transferable skills, and showcase your desire to learn and develop.

2. Tailor your CV and cover letter

Make sure to take the time to research Katten London - let us know why we would be the perfect fit for you in your cover letter. Succinct, well-researched, and engaging applications always stand out and impress us the most.

3. Make sure you adhere to the application guidelines!

To make our process as fair as possible, we use blind recruitment (the removal of identifying information from applications). It's important to make sure you follow these guidelines, as attention to detail is a key thing we look for in our future trainees.

Anonymous Feedback from our 2022 Vacation Scheme

About our Culture: "I genuinely think that the entire experience has been very enjoyable. Everybody was so open and welcoming, and I instantly felt comfortable."

About our Skills Sessions: "[This] session was most enjoyable as it was interactive and informal, yet provided us with a lot of information about how to act and come across as a trainee/lawyer."

About our Tasks: "Although sometimes it felt like we had less time for tasks, I think this mimicked the lifestyle of a real lawyer, so I enjoyed the challenge."

About our Initiatives: "I really enjoyed the session on WLF/pro bono, as it gave us an insight on the firm's commitment to inclusion & diversity."

About the Week as a Whole: "Overall, it has been a thoroughly enjoyable, well-organised week. Everyone has been incredibly approachable and friendly - it's clear the environment at Katten is supportive & caring."

For more information or any questions, please reach out to Frankie at

Overall, it has been a thoroughly enjoyable, well-organised week. Everyone has been incredibly approachable and friendly - it's clear the environment at Katten is supportive & caring.


recruitment, vacation scheme, talent