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The California Regulator Publishes New CCPA Regulations for Public Comment

On July 15, 2024, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) released official materials ahead of its July 16, 2024, Board meeting. The materials include draft regulations for automated decision-making technology, risk assessments and cybersecurity audits that will be discussed for potential rulemaking. The CPPA Board had previously voted to advance the draft regulations for official rulemaking on March 8, 2024. 

Included in the July 15, 2024, submission materials, the CPPA also published a Draft Initial Statement of Reasons outlining the revisions to the proposed rules and a guide to the CPPA Board discussion on adoption of the formal rulemaking process. 

The CPPA previously published the draft regulations pertaining to cybersecurity audits in October 2023. These draft rules are also included as part of the July 15, 2024, submission.


intellectual property, privacy data and cybersecurity